
We ordered 4 new cool chill ac units from cool guys. The job was difficult, no fault of theirs. They were prompt everyday, communicate easily and did a fantastic job. Not only were they knowledgeable able every aspect of the job, but were friendly and efficient.

I will gladly share my experience with business associates, family and friends. Thank you for all the hard work guys

The Cool Guys AC exceeded my expectations on what an AC company service should do. Bradda Chaz was professional and conducted the service in a timely matter, answered all my questions, and went above and beyond that other AC companies did for my central AC.

We scheduled my appointment at 0800 in which they arrived 15 mins early . (Shows professionalism) Upon contact, I was greeted by a wonderful guy with a bright smile that could Brighten anyone's day. Chaz briefed me on what service he was going to conduct before starting. While service was being done, I was amazed at the time it took along with the QUALITY he provided!

Upon departing my home, Chaz told me what he did, recommended me on what to do to maintain my central ac AND even told me to contact them If any problem persists or if I had any questions. 10 out of 10 I would recommend this to my family,friends and anyone who would want their AC done! They went above and beyond my expectations. Thank you to the , THE COOL AC GUYS for an exceptional, excellent, quality service you guys provided. I will definitely call you guys again

Cool Guys AC is reliable, professional and responsive. Scheduling with John was a breeze. He arrived on time with another technician and cleaned 4 of my split AC units in my house. We run our AC almost 24/7 and they were disgusting to the point I'm even embarrassed to say. They spent about an hour on each unit detaching them from the wall and dissecting them so that everything inside was exposed. All the nooks were cleaned and disinfected. I would highly recommend having these guys come and maintain your split AC units!

After making the transition to a stackable washer & dryer, I was in need of new dryer duct work from our old unconventional condo stack duct to the dryer. Called John at Cool Guys AC, sent him some pictures of my setup, and he was able to send out someone (I apologize for forgetting his name) to do the work within a couple days. Super friendly, professional, and did a great job explaining the scope of the work. The ducting was very solid and I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. Thanks again for the great work and sorry that this review was long over due! Mahalo, Analu

Recently I've been replacing my split AC's in my home with Daikin (primarily because it's gecko proof...there's a special coating that prevents geckos from frying themselves on the AC's circuit board which also destroys the circuit board).

Called Cosco Air Conditioning & Refrigeration office and they gave me the names of a couple of companies to use for Daikin installation. I talked to reps from both companies, and they were great people. I chose Cool Guys AC only because they returned my call first.

Cool Guys AC are two brothers and as you get to know them, you will see these two guys are actually cool guys, so they definitely got the name of their company correct.

Being a recent retiree, my wife and I have been doing a lot of work on our home after 3 decades of neglect on my part. The good news...our island has a lot of outstanding people in the work force. For the most part, we have been on a streak in hiring hardworking, ethical, punctual, and professional local people. The cool part, pun intended, those we hired all had one big thing in common...and that's 'Aloha', it just came out of them was who they were.

Cool Guys AC was no different. These guys basically had all the above and they were just being themselves...just two cool guys loving what they do and taking pride in it. They showed up on time and finished the job in a very timely manner and did a good job cleaning up.

During and following the installation I received a pretty good education on AC care that I was never heard from other installers. As an example, two quick I remembered. First, once a month use a water hose and shoot down the outside unit condenser coils that collect debris and salt from the air which then doesn't deposits on the coils and make it brittle. By doing so, the AC will continue to run efficiently and not work harder because of being clogged with debris and salt deposits. Second, how to maximize the use of the AC by learning what the 'Dry' mode means on the AC control. I didn't realize the importance of using this mode when the humidity is high. It lowers the humidity in the room to a comfortable level. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but for a neanderthal such as me, this is gold as I usually just put it on Max Cool and then push it for more power until the unit breaks.

Because I have a bad memory, I researched the Dry mode online. Most of the articles I read reiterated what John (one of the Cool Guys), told me. What really got my attention was this... 'The dry mode can save significant amounts of money and energy when used correctly.' Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks, hah.

I highly recommend Cool Guys AC. I will definitely be calling them for periodic AC servicing and when the time comes, to replace my other AC's with a new Daikin. Aloha, Brad